Top Landing Page Tips for YouTube ToF Traffic
What happens if you craft the perfect YouTube ad, build rock-solid campaigns and then send shoppers to a lousy landing page? You lose.
Making them Say Yes: Irresistible Offers
Success in eCommerce is the continual pursuit of getting more people to say “yes.” And you need to get more than just one type of “yes.”
Video Marketing Trends
I’ve personally been urging eCommerce store owners to invest in video marketing since 2010. It’s hard to believe, but I’m still saying some of the same things a decade later...

Does it Pay to be Funny?
Claude Hopkins, one of the grandfathers of direct response marketing once wrote that “no one buys from clowns,” and that it doesn’t pay ...

The Ultimate Marketing X-Factor
There’s one marketing factor that trumps nearly all others… When you combine it with other solid marketing practices, it can give you an almost unfair advantage…