Episode 78

How to Use Visuals to Influence Shopping Behavior

Joana Galvao - GiF Design Studios
June 26, 2019
SUBSCRIBE: iTunesStitcher

The first glowing testimonial I heard about Joana Galvao was from Ezra Firestone. Next was my buddy, Jared Mitchell, of Skincare by Alana. Joana was described as a designer who “Gets it” – who understands how design impacts online experience and sales.

She recently spoke at Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego and I heard she brought down the house. So I wanted her to come on the podcast and talk about how design and visuals impact shopping behavior. Here’s a look at what we cover:

  • The branding triad and where most businesses fall short.
  • How color can influence experience and results…and a truly mind-blowing laundry detergent user experience that illustrates this beautifully.
  • How we’re wired to make assumptions at the subconscious level about whether something is expensive or cheap, quality or shoddy…all within seconds. You need to incorporate this for your products!
  • How your product packaging should engage all of the senses.
  • How to make your copy more visually appealing.
  • Joana’s 5-Step Process that every brand should go through for better performance.
  • Plus more!

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Mentioned in this episode:
GiF Design Studios
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Traffic & Conversion Summit
BOOM by Cindy Joseph
Skincare by Alana
Lewis Howes
Marie Forleo
Learn More About Marie Forleo’s B-School
Selena Soo
Brian Smith
Visit Starbucks Reserve
Creative Market
Original Grain

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