Episode 36

Leveraging Facebook Live and Recorded Video for Growth

Michael Stelzner - Social Media Examiner
November 15, 2017
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Few people have mastered social media marketing like Michael Stelzner.  Michael is the founder of Social Media Examiner, one of the most visited social media marketing websites on the planet.  He’s also the host of the Social Media Marketing podcast.  He started the podcast in 2012 and has since racked up over 12 million downloads.

Michael and team also run the Social Media Marketing World – featuring some of the top social media marketers sharing their best stuff.  I’m super excited about the 2018 event – mainly because I’ll be sharing a stage with Michael – talking YouTube Remarking.  Want to join me?  Learn More.

In this episode, I wanted to pick Michael’s brain on how he and his team approach content.  I want you to be able to capitalize and learn from Michael’s success.

Here’s a glimpse of what we cover:

  • Keys to success with Facebook Live & Video marketing in general
  • How his new behind-the-scenes shows called the “Journey” are racking up 10’s of thousands of views on Facebook and YouTube.
  • How eCommerce merchants should use video to fuel growth
  • Advantages of going live vs. recorded (think algorithm)
  • Social media predictions that could change the way we market
  • Social Media Marketing World and why it’s one of the top Social Media Events in the world.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Social Media Examiner

Social Media Marketing World (Feb. 28 – Mar. 2, 2018)

Social Media Examiner Facebook Live

Connect with Michael Stelzner:

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