Episode 29

Amazon & Multichannel Success

Chad Rubin - Skubana
September 7, 2017
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Dubbed the “eCommerce Renegade” Chad Rubin is the author of the book Cheaper, Easier, Direct and is one of the top 250 Amazon Sellers in the world.

With over 2 million sellers on Amazon worldwide, cracking the top 250 is no small task.  But that’s not Chad’s only day job.  He’s also the CEO of Skubana, a multi-channel inventory management, and ERP software.  Chad brings a wealth of knowledge on what it takes to build a brand and succeed on Amazon and other marketplaces. You’ll love his story and we dive into some very practical and helpful stuff including:

– How to build a brand selling on marketplaces

– How to become a top 250 seller on Amazon

– Should you work with Amazon as a Marketplace Seller (3p) or Selling direct to Amazon (1p) or both?

– How to drive traffic and increase conversions on Amazon – and is enhance brand content worth the effort.

– How  Echo devices and voice search will impact Amazon sales

– Biggest mistakes you see sellers making on Amazon

– Plus more!

Mentioned in this Episode:
OMG Commerce Holiday Special – Free Google Webinar Replay
Content & Commerce Summit 2017 L.A. (Sept. 18 – 20)
“Cheaper, Easier, Direct” Book by Chad Rubin

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