Episode 61

The State of Amazon

James Thomson - Buy Box Experts & Prosper Show
November 7, 2018
SUBSCRIBE: iTunesStitcher

If you want an inside look at Amazon you’d be hard pressed to find a better person to talk to than James Thomson co-founder of Buy Box Experts and the wildly popular Prosper Show.

In this episode we get into the details of what sellers on Amazon should be thinking and doing right now on a variety of important topics including:

  • Sales Tax! This can be some scary stuff.  We talk about the Wayfair Supreme Court decision, the recent ruling in California and what it all means to you.  Not the sexiest of topics, but one that could kill your business if you’re not taking action now.
  • Brand equity.  There’s never been a better time to build a brand on Amazon.  We’ll talk about what it means to build and try to hold on to brand equity on Amazon.
  • 1p vs. 3p vs. Hybrid – what’s best and why.
  • Most common mistakes sellers are making right now and how to avoid them
  • How Amazon approaches their private label game and when are they coming for your category.
  • Prosper Show 2019 details
  • Plus more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

“The Amazon Marketplace Dilemma” by James Thomson and Joseph Hansen
Prosper Show – Conference for Amazon Sellers
Buy Box Experts – Amazon Account Management and Branding Strategy Consulting

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