Episode 48

The Latest From Shopify and What it Means to You

Kurt Elster - Ethercycle
June 16, 2018
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube

Even if you’re on another platform you have to pay attention to what Shopify is up to. Now with over 500,000 stores using the platform, when Shopify makes a shift the whole industry feels it.

I wanted to know the latest and greatest from Shopify so I invited on the King of Shopify himself, Kurt Elster on to the podcast.

In this episode we dig into some new releases and how they impact you including:

  • How Shopify Stacks up in the ecommerce platform ecosystem
  • Shopify myths that need to be busted – such as “Shopify is bad for SEO.”
  • Dynamic check out – Now that Amazon’s one click checkout patent has expired Shopify has built their own version…and it’s awesome.
  • Now Fraud protection is built in and available for those who use Shopify pay.
  • Want to get all of your marketing app data in one place?  You can with Shopify’s new Marketing dashboard.
  • Kit how you can have a legitimate automated “bot” employee
  • Thinking of replatforming?  What questions should you ask before you do?
  • Plus more!

Mentioned in this Episode:
OMG Commerce
Shopify Unite 2018 – Shopify Partner & Developer Conference
Showing Dynamic Checkout Buttons – Shopify Help Center
Fraud Prevention – Payments – Shopify Help Center

Connect with Guest:
Kurt Elster
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