Episode 17

Scaling Amazon Sales and Scaling Your Team

Nathan Hirsch - freeeup.com
June 7, 2017
SUBSCRIBE: iTunesStitcher

My guest on the podcast today has a unique perspective on both Amazon and on building your ecommerce team.

Nathan Hirsch build a wildly successful drop shipping business on Amazon in 2009.  He’s since scaled that to multi-million dollar per year business.  in 2015 he launched freeeup.com to help online merchants find vetted outsourcers with eCommerce experience.

In this episode we dig into some Amazon news and trends to pay attention to and we provide some specific insights for building your ecommerce team.

Here’s a quick snapshot.

– How Amazon has changed since 2009

– Biggest mistakes he sees merchants making on Amazon

– What Amazon changes should resellers be preparing for

– Top hiring mistakes

– Killer interview questions

– Processes for properly vetting and hiring eCommerce rock stars

Mentioned in this Episode:

Portlight @ Amazon.com
“Delivering Happiness” book by Tony Hsieh of Zappos
FreeeUp Blog
“Free Up Your Business” book by Nathan Hirsch

Free Up Facebook

Connect with Nathan Hirsch:
via LinkedIn
via Twitter

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