Episode 96

How to Make Better Decisions

Matt Clark - Amazing
November 13, 2019
SUBSCRIBE: iTunesStitcher

In this episode we take a quick look into what’s new on Amazon and then we dive deep into a subject I’m quite passionate about - making better decisions.  I’m not sure of another skill more valuable than this one. This doesn’t need you need to always be right...you just need to get it right. We share a great Steve Jobs story in the podcast to illustrate this point.  

Here’s a look at a few of the topics we cover:

  • Confirmation Bias - and getting it right vs. being right
  • Mitigating Risks - with lessons from Sarah Blakely and Richard Branson.  Here Matt shares how he wasted $1million in Ad Spend when he could have tested with only $20,000.  Also we discuss the the Fire bullets, then cannonballs framework from Jim Collins.  
  • Diderot Effect - This deals with how to handle success and how success can lead to bankruptcy.  We also discuss 2nd and 3rd order consequences.  
  • Keep a decision log - Why and how and what this looks like for Matt.
  • Some of Matt’s favorite books on the subject
  • Plus more!

Matt Clark is the Chairman and Co-founder of Amazing.  Amazing is the company behind the most successful info product/training course of all time - Amazing Selling Machines.   He and his partner Jason Katzenback also run SellerCon - one of the leading events for Amazon Sellers.  

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