Episode 15

Closing More eCommerce Sales

Ryan Stewman - hardcorecloser.com
May 25, 2017
SUBSCRIBE: iTunesStitcher

There is an art and a science to selling.  Boring doesn’t sell.  Neither does average.  Ryan Stewman is neither.  He’s a 4x best-selling author and the host of the very successful Hardcore Closer podcast.

You don’t have to necessarily match Ryan’s style to appreciate and benefit from the principles he teaches.  We uncover some gold on this episode to help you craft better closing product pages, videos, online ads, and social media posts.

Here’s a quick rundown of what we cover:

– 3 things you need to sell more today

– The benefits of building a persona

– Tips to sell more via video

– How to craft emails that close deals and leave people wanting to see your next email

– How to get into the sales state of mind

– His recent weekend speaking to a group of MMA fighters

– Plus more!

Warning – This episode does contain profanity.  Not necessarily excessive, but there is some.  Just a heads up.  The content is excellent.


Mentioned in this Episode:
Hardcore Closer
Harmon Brothers
Austin Brawner at eCommerce Influence
Ben Settle – World Leader in Email Copywriting Education
Email Players

Connect with Ryan Stewman:

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